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Control Project 2023-25

Lakeside’s River Park Conservancy, working in partnership with the San Diego River Conservancy, has embarked on an ambitious program to control Arundo donax (giant reed) in the San Diego River and its tributaries. Arundo is a dangerous fire hazard, creates flood hazards, and is a threat to native plants and wildlife. We are inviting all landowners with arundo on their property to participate in the project.


The program will acquire the funding and provide all of the equipment, personnel and follow up to permanently eradicate this plant from the property and to revegetate with native plants.  It is ABSOLUTELY FREE for the landowners. 


To participate, all you need to do is provide us with permission to enter your property to remove the Arundo annually for up to three years for the initial work and possibly several years thereafter for inspections and small-scale retreatments to keep infestations from occurring.


Arundo is most typically found on property which borders a creek or drainage. In Lakeside these areas include Oak Creek and the other drainages in Eucalyptus Hills, the Marilla Drive Drainage, the San Vicente Creek area, Los Coches Creek area and the main stem of the San Diego River from the base of El Capitan Dam to Channel Road. It is also quite possible to have Arundo on your property even if you don't live on or near a drainage. This invasive plant will gain a foothold in any area where there is enough water seeping from the ground to support it.


Arundo is very difficult to remove.  It must be cut down, removed and either chipped or carted off to the dump and the stumps must be sprayed with a herbicide several times. This is a time consuming and expensive process.  Many homeowners and property owners understand what a dangerous plant it is but, given the massive stands on their property, feel completely overwhelmed with the task of controlling it. We have removed tons of Arundo from the River Park and throughout Lakeside and Santee and we have the experience, equipment and personnel to handle even the largest areas. 

The project is voluntary.  If you own property with Invasives and/or Arundo and would like to participate in the project, please contact us at 

"The arundo fire at my place was massive during the Cedar Fire. The flames were uncontrollable and my house burned down. Even though the fire burned the arundo to the ground, the first rains brought it right back. Now it is 30 feet tall again. I am signing up for this project."
-- Gerald Martin,
Oak Creek Road
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Lakeside's River Park Conservancy

501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization Federal Tax ID 91-2156461

12108 Industry Rd, Lakeside, CA 92040

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